
The Department of Microbiology  at Govt. Thiruvarur Medical College, was found in 2010.


We have the Department  infrastructure in the College building and diagnostic lab service in Central lab of  Outpatient building .


Ours is a under graduate department teaching 100 MBBS students per year. We have apart from MBBS, DMLT  & Allied health science (BSc) courses also.   We have demonstration room with audiovisual aids and a well equipped  students practical lab.We have a well furnished department  library with almost 125 books to encourage UG students reading activities.


The faculty strength as on date is

                    Professor -1

                   Associate Professor -1

                   Assistant Professor -1

                   Tutors -3

                   Non teaching staffs-13


  We have  full fledged functioning service labs such as Bacteriology, Serology, Virology, Parasitology, mycology, TB lab & Immunology lab.

   Our department is equipped with a BSL –II virology lab ,Virology Research & Diagnostic Lab (VRDL) with RT –PCR & serology facilities for testing the prevalent  & seasonal viral diseases. The VRDL lab has served extensively during the Covid 19 pandemic  by testing almost 14 lakhs samples from all over the neighbouring districts also. 

Our labs have excellent  EQAS performance conducted periodically  by CMC, Vellore.

We have emergency night lab services (24×7) round the clock for the samples received there of.


Our department is actively involved in,

     1.Infection control committee –providing antimicrobial profile & framing antibiotic policies

     2.Biomedical waste management program

     3.National viral hepatitis control program                                                            

     We conduct periodical Infection control and Biomedical rounds, audit and meetings in the hospital.


      1.Biomedical waste management training programme

      2.Infection control training programme


For the  healthy development of the students the  Dept holds,

                                               Red ribbon club

            -to create HIV awareness ( last program conducted on  December 01,2022)

            -Drug abuse awareness ( last program conducted on June 27,2023)


The department has conducted CME on anti microbial resistance  “Bugs in the Mind” on December  02,2022 on behalf of  World anti microbial awareness week celebration which was actively participated and  appreciated by all  the faculties of the college.


Current areas of research is on study of bacterial profile in pus/wound swabs from  patient attending the hospital .

                          Our department has good  infrastructure, equipment’s &man power for prompt  patient diagnostic  services  and for on-going  research  projects to serve the community during routine, epidemic and pandemic. 

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