Clinical Material

  • Clinical Material:
ItemDaily average (of last 12 months)  
O.P.D.  attendance (At the end of OPD timing)1749
(Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-638422)
Casualty  attendance (24 hrs. data)247
(Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-90049)
No of admissions165
(Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-60159)
No. of discharges155
(Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-56721)
Bed occupancy: No of Beds occupied No of beds required Bed occupancy %793
106 %
 Operative Work 
No, of major surgical operations 28 (Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-8694)
No. of minor surgical operations  13 (Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-4179)
No. of normal deliveries  9(Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-3185)
No. of caesarian sections         5(Nov-22 to Oct-23 total-1881)
Radiological Investigations – No of patients. O.P.D          I.P.D
X-ray 110145
Ultrasonography  2364
Barium, IVP etc.  119
C.T. Scan  4852
Laboratory Investigations – No of  patients/samples  O.P.D          I.P.D
Microbiology 3199
Serology 46107
Haematology 517
Clinical pathology7052824
Histopathology 37
Cytopathology  61
Any other (HIV/AIDS, DOTs, Malaria etc)HIV –  OP-9, IP-12
RPR- OP-3, IP-7
AFB -11
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